Broken Gear Gazette: Abney Park: Musicians at the Core

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Abney Park: Musicians at the Core

Reviewing the Review-able

One of the cores of true culture is it's music. It's not too challenging to find the non-broke style of classical that suits the Elizabethan brand of punkery. And thanks to the beauty of Darren Korb's soundtrack for Basion the 6-shooter-esque Dessert Punkers have a few solid tunes to pass the time with. But there's a brand of Steam followers out there you don't don the Suit and Tie or the Gunbelt and Sword, but instead wield the wrench and leather apron.

Abney Park has been around for a while. But their earlier works hadn't quite settled into a solid style. Lead singer Robert Brown (Seattle) formed the band back in 1997. 'Abney Park' and 'Return to the Fire' were a well formed, but empty neo-goth style creations. And then, somewhere along the way, they made the turn for Steampunk and the sound just sort of solidified. 

In 2008 we we treated with Lost Horizons, followed up with Aether Shanties in 2009. Though the music expands into some pretty profound undertones, the sound remains consistent across the albums from then on.

If you have a chance, pop over and take a look at their site. And, should you like, grab an album. After all, we own them all.

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